Tuesday, September 9, 2008

I'm an Ignorant Neanderthal...

...because I thought the concept of "women's rights" included such things as life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. (Note to my students: "Pursuit of Happiness" being the ethical, rather than psychological, concept.) I always thought "women's rights" were human rights.

But according to the National Organization of Women (NOW), I'm as wrong as a shorts-and-barong combo.

Here are the money grafs:

"Gov. Palin may be the second woman vice-presidential candidate on a major party ticket, but she is not the right woman. Sadly, she is a woman who opposes women's rights, just like John McCain.

The fact that Palin is a mother of five who has a 4-month-old baby, a woman who is juggling work and family responsibilities, will speak to many women. But will Palin speak FOR women? Based on her record and her stated positions, the answer is clearly No.

In a gubernatorial debate, Palin stated emphatically that her opposition to abortion was so great, so total, that even if her teenage daughter was impregnated by a rapist, she would "choose life" -- meaning apparently that she would not permit her daughter to have an abortion."

Okay. I've been set straight for my own good. So, women's rights are not what we would traditionally call "human rights". They're abortion rights. Because Mrs. Palin, for all her "woman in power" credentials, is pro-life, she is against women's rights.

You know, if this is the case, then I am so glad there were no women present when the Declaration of Independence was drafted. Or at least, I'm glad NOW wasn't.

They say that traditionalist women who stay at home, have babies and care for their families set the women's rights movement back several decades. I'd think that these feminists do a pretty good job themselves. I think trying to get women to murder their children for the sake of paltry, petty and ultimately inadequate causes sets the women's rights movement all the way back to the Garden of Eden.

Maria, Mater Dei, Ora Pro Nobis


  1. ...your google ads now say: "Oops, I'm Pregnant", "Tremination of Pregnancy", "Pregnancy", and "Event Planning".

    ...nuts. Hehe

  2. I'd like to think that CHOOSING life over abortion, choosing to stay home, or choosing to work are part of women's rights. If it's about having choices, I find it ridiculous that they abhor the idea of women CHOOSING to remain traditional etc.

  3. you were expecting something else after a post like that? hehe

  4. That's irony isn't it? Only one "choice" really seems to matter.

  5. I hope that neither her nor any of her daughters are ever raped and impregnated so that she doesn't have to REALLY make the choice that she so easily declares in a Republican nomination speech.

    And on choice, I agree that any choice a woman, or a person makes for that matter is entirely their own. However, in most cases pro-lifers want to deny abortionists their choice. So yes, there really is only one choice because pro abortion people aren't denying pro-lifers their right to life, they'd just like to be able to have the option, if they so choose to go down that path.

  6. I won't wish rape on anybody too, but you seriously consider choosing not to abort the horrid, unacceptable choice?

    You know, the pro-choice argument isn't new. Its been used in so many different contexts. But the one most similar to the abortion death-eaters' arguments I can recall was the slavery one. The most compelling argument the South made for slavery was that, hey, if you are anti-slavery, then don't have slaves. Leave us who are fine with slavery to our choices.

    What is funny about NOW is that of all the choices to push, they push the abortion one against all the other choices. As if, like with slavery, abortion will slowly die out the more women choose life. (The pro-slavery side pushed to make every new state a slave state on the basis that slavery will die if it didn't spread.)

    Will pro-lifers restrict the choice of abortion? Hell yeah! They wouldn't be worth a bucket of warm piss if they wouldn't. Not all choices are licit, and where a choice leads to the murder of an innocent human being, then that choice ought to justifiably be curbed. And here, we have women claiming that only women who are willing to murder their babies are real women. That's almost...demonic.

  7. See, the reason I can't take pro-lifers seriously is they use rhetoric like that. Words like murder, horrid, death-eater, etc. If a pro lifer came up to me to have a normal conversation, I'd have that. But I refuse to believe that I am a murderer or a killer of babies simply because I believe that a woman that has been gangraped and impregnated (not to mention possibly infected with AIDS or some such STD) should NOT have the choice of aborting something that she never intended to have. Something that was forced upon her with violent penises.

    Pro-choice people aren't pushing to have one choice above all. This isn't the one fucking Ring. We aren't out to rule them all. We're just saying hey, this should be an option.

    Also, I'm curious what a bucket of warm piss is worth, and if it's more valuable than say, cold piss, which I'd argue is a much harder thing to find.

  8. If you have a problem with someone calling the termination of a human life for no good reason (and no, emotional reasons are not good reasons) "murder", then yeah, I can see how you will have a hard time. Hey, I haven't called you a murderer. Believing in something and doing something are two different things after all.

    "I believe that a woman that has been gangraped and impregnated (not to mention possibly infected with AIDS or some such STD) should NOT have the choice of aborting something that she never intended to have. Something that was forced upon her with violent penises."

    Err...if you believe that, then why are we arguing? I agree. Violence done to woman ought not to translate into more violence done to another human being. Hey, the baby didn't wish to be there anymore than she did. But, there he or she is. Doesn't make his or her life forfeit.

    As for what the pro-choice people push, read the link I provided in the post. That is NOW, who is, along with NARAL and Planned Parenthood, one of the the champions of abortion in America. Read any single deranged lefty commenting on Sarah Palin and her Down's Syndrome baby. They are pushing one choice (especially when it comes to disabled children), and that choice is to abort. You're not a "real woman" unless you do.

    Heck, I'll even throw in the next link:


    Here's a piece where our valiant doctor is worried fewer women will want to end innocent lives because a prominent person has decided not to. The message is simple: Down's Syndrome babies = Ewww...

    As for cold piss, yeah, that'll probably be worth more. You pay more for the freezing and the stinking up a refrigeration unit. But I don't think it'd work as well as a metaphor.
