Saturday, October 2, 2010

A Brief Note on Celdran's Little Media Whore Stunt

Using Rizal to defend this noxious deal with Mephistopheles that is the RH Bill is like some moron stoner using Thomas Jefferson to defend marijuana use in public.

Celdran did not strike a blow for his cause that day. All he did was drag Rizal through the dirt. For never has Rizal argued for the slow extinction of the Filipino as Lagman and his Mad Men have. 

I have long said that the demons that have haunted the West would make their way here, for we are a Western country no matter how hard we try to deny it. Now, the night is drawing near.

On a side note, the Church should just excommunicate Noynoy Aquino. Sure, the Church will be hit with both barrels by our shrill, manipulative media, but She's gonna get the shotgun treatment anyway. If you're going to go down, it is best to go down standing. The Bishops made a mistake supporting this amateur for president. They should grow some balls and rectify that mistake.

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