Wednesday, December 16, 2009

My Problem With "Man-Made Climate Change"

It's hard to choose one problem really. That it is a panic produced by fudging and falsely manipulating scientific data is one. That it has become an almost cultish cause, complete with court prophets, is another.


But the biggest problem that I see in all the hype surrounding man-made climate change ("global warming" has lost its charm, what with a great cooling now in play) is that it has become the latest Trojan Horse by which to foster idiotic Malthusian ideas upon the world.

The countries that will inevitably be hit hardest by neo-Malthusian measures that put man as the center of every problematic thing are the poor countries.

From Zenit:

According to Vidal, the trust's calculations show that the 10 metric tons of carbon emitted by a return flight from London to Sydney could be offset by preventing the birth of one child in a country such as Kenya.

The sheer arrogance of these moneyed fools allows them to think that their return flight from London to Sydney is more valuable than one Kenyan child. Not only is this maliciously racist, it reflects that long standing corruption at the heart of the rich: the problem of the world is poor people. Just enough of us in here, but way too much of you.

So, if you can, say no to this climate change fear-mongering. No to neo-Malthusianism!

Hey, if even a moron like John Lennon can see it...  


  1. ah malthus, my batch's favorite philosopher for some weird reason :)) positive checks ftw~!

  2. Your batch is seriously f'ed up, lol!

    Ours was Susan Strange.
